Tuesday, August 9, 2005

"VOTE 7 & OUT"

This upcoming Mayoral & City Council race is a very important one to watch.
The Primary Election where all the mayoral candidates go head to head is on September 13, 2005. The General Election where you vote for one of the two mayoral candidates from the primary and vote for your choice of city council candidates is on November 8, 2005.

The Black Fist position is we are encouraging our black people to vote "7 & out". Meaning that it takes "5" votes to get ANYTHING passed through Council but it takes "7" votes to "VETO PROOF" the Mayor. So we are saying pick 7 GOOD Council candidates when you go to the polls.

Under this "Strong Mayor" form of government, Whomever becomes the mayor will have VETO POWERS, so it is logistically sensible to pick "7" council candidates out of a possible 9 selection. That in turn will ensure that "Black peoples' interest" are taken care of & if the new "strong mayor" decides to "get off the hook" and do some "ANTI-BLACK" moves on us with "our" taxpayers dollars we, the Black people of Cincinnati will be taken care of by our elected officals because we have "7" "Strong Black Men and/or Strong Black Women" to look out for us and they must be able to have "VETO-PROOFING" power over any type of racist anti-black move pulled by the mayor.
And yes, a Black Strong Mayor can be "anti-black", we've already seen some council people currently sitting in those seats and past council people who are black but had the whiteman's mind, the whiteman's thinking & have/had the whiteman's best interest at heart which translated into the "whiteman's agenda". Sorry, but we can not tolerate those type of bootlickin' actions from "so-called" Black politicians any longer! PERIOD!!!

There's a current council woman running for strong mayor in this upcoming election who is black but let herself be used as "The Black Face AGAINST The Economic Boycott/Freedom Struggle" in Cincinnati. This "black" woman, ladies & gentleman has always had a "white agenda". So we need not vote for her. Her name is Alicia Reece. She is currently the chairwoman of "The Tourism Committee". "Tourism-vs-Boycott"...hhuummm? Could there have been some connection regarding her post-riots "appointment" as Vice-mayor by the grand dragon Charlie Luken & the post-riots "addition" of "Tourism" to the various committees she already chaired? Think about it.
There's a whiteman running for that same position who is currently the chairman of "The Law & Public Safety Committee", (the committee that is directly in charge of The Cincinnati Police Dept.) David Pepper who we, in the Black Fist have assessed based on his voting record & racial views: "Anti-Black" & "Pro-Anything White". David Pepper along with Alicia Reece have been deemed by The Black Fist "Unfit To Lead". End of Story for those two!
Let's move on...

We need Strong Black Men & Strong Black Women to lead this City not a bunch of racist, self-serving, arrogant, egotisical, hypocritical, advance my political career on the backs of black suffering type of people who only care about making the rich RICHER, making the poor even "POORER" & Keeping The Fraternal Order of Police Union "happy".

And as "The Head of Telecommunications" for a "Black Militant" organization, I'd be remissed in not "communicating" with you that NOT pushing a "Black Agenda" that will benefit ALL BLACK PEOPLE would be irresponsible & down right stupid. EVERY other race of people look out for "their own" EXCEPT black people. No! we (blacks) feel the need to be "liked" so we are the "Kings & Queens of Diversity"! To hell with that non-sense!!! NOT here and NOT on "The Black Fist Blog". (see: "Welcome to The Black Fist Blog" for our feelings about "Diversity")

The Westside (white folks) in town have their "All-white with one token knee-grow" endorsement list (I have it & I will be posting it) so why in the hell should'nt Black folks put out a list of strong black men & women who we feel will be in the best interest of Black folks (Us) ?!? Don't let F-E-A-R keep you from doing what is right!

Keep checking back here on "The Black Fist Blog" for General Nikki X's "Black Fist Endorsement" List. But until then remember the mayoral candidates will be debating at "The Greenwich" on Saturday, August 13th. 6:30pm for the "meet & greet" then the actual debate starts at 8:00pm (see BLOG entry "Mayoral Candidates to Mix it Up @ The Greenwich") for futher details.

The position of The Black Fist is "CLEAR".

We encourage our Black Brothas & Sistas to read up, learn about and participate in the political process. We are paying taxes to this racist wicked government (whether we want to or not) so we must be involved & to be involved means looking at BOTH sides of the "Black" coin.
We need "5" strong candidates to move "our" agenda forward no doubt but we MUST have in place a "back-up plan" so to speak just in case the next strong mayor tries to pull a "Charlie Luken" a.k.a. Give-away all the economic revenue/tax money to big-business/underhanded racist politicking/Let's pander to the Police Dept. type move....

We can NOT afford to spend the next 4 years (The Mayors' term last 4 years) with council people (Council terms last 2 years) who may have good ideas and the best interest of black people at heart just to have some racist big-business loving, Killer cops protecting/No discipline for police "slow-down" pandering type of mayor OR some "I'm the mayor of ALL of Cincinnati and NOT just black Cincinnati while catering & pandering to ALL of WHITE Cincinnati OR some "I'm a Black council person who represents ALL Cincinnatians NOT just Black folks in Cincinnati while catering & pandering to ALL of WHITE Cincinnati" scared-to-death type of black politician. Or some Black "trembling" Mayor to come along and "VETO" everything "our" strong Black council men are trying to do for us. (I said, Black men minus the 2 black men who The Black Fist hopes get "ghost" this trip ala Sam Malone & Cecil Thomas who we pray to The Creator NEVER makes it on council) because as of this writing there are no black women running for council, that I am aware of who can be "counted on" to look after black folks interest..Laketa Cole is too flaky, shaky & she seems to be a "follower/co-signer" of Councilwoman Reece often time than not. (The $42 million dollar Fountain Square debacle is one vote that comes to mind) And that's just one vote but I can name more, if you'd like. But in all fairness, Councilwoman Cole is not completely out of the running in our book. But she is very much lacking in "consistancy". What can be said about Ms. Cole is she has stood up against the police on certain issues she beleived were completely against what would be in the interest of the black community! So knowing that from time to time she has the wherewithall to show guts, we'll be keeping a "close eye" on Laketa Cole. She may be 1 Black woman we should keep on Council.

Bottom line: The Black Fist position in this upcoming election season is "Vote 7 & out"!!! As it states in the "Welcome To The Black Fist" BLOG entry, The Black Fist is an Organization who gives information to the black community ONLY to HELP our black people NOT to HURT them. We are a "serious & dedicated" organization. And despite those who think they are radio talk show stars because they are talking the "loudest" -BUT- behind the scenes continue to act like an agent for the government "hanging", "socializing" & "sleeping" with a house knee-grow "Boycott-Breaking" Tuskeegee study "Nurse Rivers" type of Black woman who is the "DIRECT" enemy of Black peoples' freedom-via-this wicked racist corrupt "LEGAL" System in a "CITY OF CINCINNATI" Government position, while "laughing" and "joking" like old time friends with the "Whiteman", The Black mans' natural enemy! Those who sound like a clown while thinking they are sounding "charming & witty", Those who are inconsistant while constantly trying to "re-write" black militant history in this city and "gloss" over if not totally "ignore" those who are "DEDICATED, CONSISTANT & "True warriors" for The Liberation & Salvation of the Black Nation all the while they themselves are consciencely "Deceiving", "Misleading" & "Pretending" THEY have the best interest of The Black race at heart...Let me remind you of the old saying...
When the ax came into the forest, The trees said, "Look the handle is one of us" !!!

"VOTE 7 & OUT" ON NOVEMBER 8, 2005.



A Message From General Nikki X..."Black Fist, Black Power, Black Nation"


Someone said...

Golly, I wish you'd share the list instead of always telling us about it!

Anonymous said...

Statistically it can be proven that voting for 1-2 candidates out of a pool that size will have a greater chance of the people you really want getting in vs. voting for a bunch of people and devaluing the vote. This can reduce the chance of your top choice not get in at all.

Anonymous said...

"E Pluribus Unum" We are one. Hate all you want. We shall overcome ignorance...oneday

Anonymous said...

You should post all comments that aren't too explicit. Anyway, the breakdown. Reece=logical choice, most knowledgeable, passionate, hopeful on Cincinnati, Mallory=behind Reece, smart, intelligent, supportive, but out of touch living in CO with his boyfriend for ten years, Pepper=NO, Winburn=wolf in sheeps clothing, only wanted to run for money, has black slave volunteers and a white campaign slave master, and the rest=irrelevant.