Wednesday, March 1, 2006


In our fifth installment of "The Black Fist: Best & Brightest Everyday Black History Series," We will be reading about the real life adventures of a Black Militant Queen. A black woman who didn't take no stuff and she let the people of her war torn country know off the top, If they had to do battle she would do battle for as long as it takes!
Queen Sista Nzingha was "The Amazon Queen of Matamba West Africa!" And she demanded her proper respect but not without commanding and demanding respect for her people and her country.

Read this and you'll know what I mean. General Nikki X calls this fascinating real life story....."Black Militant Queen!"

NZINGHA (1582-1663)

Nzingha was a very good military leader who waged a war against the savage slave-hunting Europeans. This war lasted for more than 30 years.

Nzingha was of Angoloan descent and is known as a symbol of inspiration for people everywhere. Queen Nzingha is also known by some as Jinga by others as Ginga. She was a member of the ethnic Jagas a black militant group that formed a human shield against Portuguese slave traders. As a visionary political leader, competent, and self sacrificing she was completely devoted to the resistance movement. She formed alliances with other foreign powers pitting them against one another to flee Angola of European influences. She possessed both masculine hardness and feminine charm and used them both depending on the situtation. She even used religion as a political tool when it suited her. Her death on December 17, 1663 helped open the door for the massive Portugese slave trade. Yet her struggle helped awaken others that followed her and forced them to mount offenses against the invaders. These include Madame Tinubu of Nigeria; Nandi, the mother of the great Zula warrior Shaka; Kaipkire of the Herero people of the South West Africa; and the female army that followed the Dohomian King, Behanzin Bowelle.

There you have it, Amazon Queen Nzingha folks! She did battle with the whiteman for damn near 30 years and was part of that "human shield" to keep the devil away from her people in an effort to make them slaves! That is a powerful courageous move right here. And I truly respect and honor a Black woman who "possesses both masculine hardness and feminine charm" to get what she wants in the heat of battle or in any other "situtation."
General Nikki X has been accused, from time to time, of not being "feminine enough" and "acting like a dude," by a "weak wanna be impersonator" that absolutely has no concept of what it takes to be a real black militant and no concept whatsoever of black militancy in (pardon the pun) general. Or what it takes to do frontline battle with the enemy, in his own house and in his ugly face.
General Nikki X, like our heroine Queen Nzingha, uses what she has to use in the heat of "battle" to gain the victory over her enemies, her only concern is the "victory." And wearing mini-skirts, high-heeled runned over shoes and blonde wigs just don't get the job done.

When in battle, dress for battle. When at war think like a "General!" Queen Nzingha did battle with the enemy and she got down and dirty in the trenches with the black men in her black militant group and together they fought side-by-side against the white slave traders who where hell bent on invading her country and making them slaves.

Queen Nzingha is to be honored and respected for her "consistancy" and her courage on the battlefield. And the Sista lived a long life to say she was on the battlefield a long time, 81 years.

So the moral of the story is "Looks are truly deceiving" and when you see General Nikki X "Booted & Suited," just know it's on and it's time for battle!
Just like Queen Nzingha!




  1. you are a queen in your own right sister general. I enjoy your writings and your flavor. keep it up.
    peace and blessing queen!
    a blackman

  2. Hammering the final stake in your racist hate speech blog there Nikki? Since black people don't care about history, I'm assuming this is it for you. Sort of like a GOB sale of the spew. Keep this up and your traffic will be back to the baseline before long.

  3. Anonymous #2:

    Not as long as I have racist anonymous SOBs like you to read this blog I won't.

    Thank you for reading The Black Fist Blog!.....asshole.

  4. Anonymous #1:

    Thank you for your comment. There's more black history to come. I'm glad you're enjoying the series.
    It is FOR US, BY US!

    Thank you for reading The Black Fist Blog Black Man!

  5. There are some in this town who are 100% hypocrites.
    And there are others in this town who are 100% clueless.
    There are some who are in need of a complete psychological evalution.
    There are those who are just plain habitual liars and thieves.
    There are even some in this town who have even decieved themselves into thinking "everything can work out in the end."
    Then there are others who are downright fool-hearty and never understood that nobody and I mean absolutely NOBODY dictates, orders and/or "suggest" the moves, feelings or lack thereof and/or the daily operations of General Nikki X.

    I would "suggest" to the generic psychotherapist who took the time out of "her" perhaps more than likely unfulfilled life to anonymously post what "she" thinks is in the best interest of whatever name "she" used that was I suppose, in some off handed reference to someone who was suppose to be associated in some way with the administrator of this blog, that they themselves look into the mirror and ask themselves the question, "Do I have an appetite for destruction?" -OR- "Am I just so fuckin' stupid, I really can't see the forest for the muthafuckin' trees?"

    Once again, This is "The Black Fist Blog" and General Nikki X is The Administrator of said blog.

    Don't fuck with me, Don't ever fuck with me.

    I didn't post your comment and I'm sure this is not the response you'd expected. But it IS the response you'll live with.

    Your first and your last. Now do General Nikki X a favor and go straight to a hurry.

    Graciousness in is my DNA and with that being said...
    Thank you for reading "The Black Fist Blog!"

  6. You are our Queen Nzingha girl!

  7. Thank You!!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!

    And isn't it the truth..."The Black Man IS King!!!"

    Thank You Beloved For Reading The Black Fist Blog!
