Thursday, December 26, 2013


  1. UMOJA (Unity) To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
  2. KUJICHAGULIA (Self-Determination) To define ourselves, Our names, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.
  3. UJIMA (Collective Works and Responsibility) To build and maintain our community together and make our Brother's and Sister's problems our problems and solve them together.
  4. UJAMMA (Cooperative Economics) To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together.
  5. NIA (Purpose) To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
  6. KUUMBA (Creativity) To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
  7. IMANI (Faith) To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.
These 7 Beautiful Life Affirming Principles Were Created By Our Dear Bro. Maulana Karenga.



  1. Happy Kwanzaa! And I pray that your New Year is filled with Peace and Blessings.

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  3. And a Happy Kwanzaa to you "anonymous" 10:59pm,

    Actually I'm not "joking", I wish peace, love, happiness and prosperity to all black people. General Nikki X is known for peace and love toward my own. But when you have someone threatening your life on the regular and making those threats known over television airwaves, internet and radio...What would you "anonymous"? Would you wish them the best of luck in trying to take away your life? - OR - do you expose the fact that one man is already dead because of that person, one man almost died at the hands or should I say the "CAR" of that same person 6 months later and that same person AFTER being arrested and jailed for attempting to MURDER a man with her CAR-- mails even more videotaped threats to be shown on public access television (for which they are being shown), now why you ask, "are those threats being mailed?", maybe it's due to the fact this same person is currently on HOME INCARCERATION/HOUSE ARREST and will be immediately arrested if this person attempts to take those threats to Media Bridges (public access) herself.

    When you "anonymous 10:59pm" have dealt with what I've been forced to deal with "this past year" then you handle it YOUR way, YOU embrace your terrorist, YOU love your terrorist, and YOU invite your terrorist over for dinner (which would probably be YOUR last supper, WOW! you were right about one thing, I am "a piece of work"...and witty too! Get it "last supper")

    Now I don't see where I can't wish everyone a very very Happy Kwanzaa and protect myself do you? For beside dealing with a KNOWN black community terrorist (the Cincinnati Police, Hamilton County Sheriffs, Hamilton County Prosecutors and about 4 different Hamilton County Judges and 2 Magistrates seem to agree with me and the rest of her victims)I have a very good life and what kind of black woman would I be to not want that for others? Huh?

    You see General Nikki X doesn't have a history of terrorism but the person I have and WILL continue to expose does. Maybe if YOU "anonymous 10:59pm" spent more time helping to expose those in the black community who are a THREAT to the black community rather than hide behind your computer screen late at night trying to tell me what I need or need not do to protect myself and expose black terrorist evildoers in our midst who can't even leave thier own home for Kwanzaa cause the big whiteman downtown has more common sense than YOU and has restricted this terrorist from even rearing its ugly head in public A.K.A. been deemed a DANGER TO THE PUBLIC then maybe just maybe this past year would've been different The General may have still been alive, I could've blogged about more issues and concerns OTHER THAN this bipolar terrorist and YOU could have recieved my greetings of,"HAPPY KWANZAA" in the generous spirit for which it was given.

    By The Way: I don't remember our dearly beloved brother Dr. Karenga appointing an "anonymous" blogger hiding behind his/her computer screen to relegate who should and should not wish this "sacred" message out amongst his people.

    One more thing: General Nikki X orginally posted this entry in December 2005 and decided to re-post it this year as well. Nothing new under the sun.

    Take my advice: you really should'nt make accusations of "aiding and abetting in cold blooded murder" unless you have concrete evidence to back it up and since you do NOT, cause if you did I'm sure you would've provided the police and the prosecutors office with it by now, you should be more mindful of your tongue and the words you speak against your brothers and sisters.

    I wish you and yours and very very HAPPY KWANZAA and Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog!

  4. Thank You! Same to you and yours sista Ms. Jacksongirl!

    And my sista you KNOW I Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog! ;-()

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  6. To "anonymous" Dec 27 2:36 am:

    You are entitled to you opinion however foolish, misguided and fat-out ignorant it is.

    Happy Kwanzaa...nonetheless.

    Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog!

  7. There's no were in the bible where it says, we are supposed to celebrate Kwanzaa: It will not free us as a people.

    Can someone show me if it is?

  8. To anonymous Dec 27 6:54 pm,

    Who ever said Kwanzaa was in the bible?

    Halloween, The 4th of July and St. Patrick's Day won't free you either but I'd bet at some point in your life (if not currently) you've celebrated those "hell-o-days".

    Thank you for your comments.

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  10. To "preacher woman" the above comment I deleted,

    Your sheer stupidity is why I "clicked" you off "for laughs".
    Take that nonsense to another blog or "preach" it to those "marchers" on "Dec 31st".

    Thank You.

  11. Nikki X, Your comment to the question I wrote you was misinterpreted, I don't celebrated any of mans holidays.

    One more thing, " It's never to late to change: From good to bad or in some cases from bad to good. Hope the latter one is the one you choose.

    This is concerning the Kwanzaa celebration.

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  13. To "anoymous" 7:03pm JOY ROLLAND:

    The troll is at it again. I don't have a "babby daddy" but you do cause you attempted to murder him in front of his 13 year old son and your 80 year old comatosed mammy on OCTOBER 10, 2006.

    Does your new lawyer know you're still posting "anonymous" comments harrassing and stalking me. Does Magistrate Bernat know you are STILL violating my restraining order against you.

    If they don't...they will!

    Thank You For Being So Stupid!

  14. "Sean",

    Then don't celebrate it. Whose twisting your arm?
    Now what?

  15. Sean do have a good point, However, it,s his own people that has done more harm than any group on the face of the earth so, Jack ass be quiet!!

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  17. Well, well, well, I suppose going to jail not once not twice not three times but four times -AND- becoming a convicted felon who withdrew a plea of not guilty for GUILTY -AND- having a restraining order placed on you for an ADDITIONAL 3 years isn't enough...huh

    Anyhow..Thank you for idolizing me and of course, Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog!

    The ONLY OFFICIAL BLOG of The Black Fist Organization ;-)

  18. BTW: Don't stop your COURT ORDERED (thank you Judge Winkler) PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING and please continue taking your doctor prescribed meds.

    If not for yourself or your long-suffering son keep taking them for the black community at large cause you're one sick and dangerous pooch!


  19. Anyone else who decides to leave a comment that is not on my subject matter will be DELETED as was the case of my sick stalker also known as The Black Community Terrorist DELETED above.


    Thank you,
    General Nikki X

  20. Great post General! I learn something new everyday! Stay strong and hold your head up high for you are a shining star and a strong beautiful black woman!
    Happy Kwanzaa Sister

  21. Happy happy Kwaanza to you beautiful black queen sister General Nikki X! You are a shining star in a world of darkness I will be forever blessed and in awe of your beauty courage and love for your community! I commented on this entry 3 years ago and I will every time you post it.
    Your forever faithful reader & admirer
    Bro. Trey X

  22. Dido. You ARE Great Sista, a True Queen, and I am so thankful you are here Nikki X. Blessings to you.JT 12/28/2011.

  23. Damn!! Where do some of THOSE people get such thinking & the nerve to post such derogatory bullshit on this blog spot, towards The General Nikki X, and Black folks created from the same boat ALL of our black asses got to this country on, celebration of oUR own principles, and purpose with faith, to say the such terrible things as they have done. Queen NIkki X, you are a Blessing fromthe Most High God to this blog page, and in all general to us black people. Thank you for doing the sucj as you have done here, and in the past. JT

  24. Damn!! Where do some of THOSE people get such thinking & the nerve to post such derogatory bullshit on this blog spot, towards The General Nikki X, and Black folks created from the same boat ALL of our black asses got to this country on, celebration of oUR own principles, and purpose with faith, to say the such terrible things as they have done. Queen NIkki X, you are a Blessing fromthe Most High God to this blog page, and in all general to us black people. Thank you for doing the sucj as you have done here, and in the past. JT

  25. Sister Nikki X thank you posting your annual Kwaanza blog we do look forward to it every year will you have your Kwaanza toy and food giveaway this year I know times are lean?
    Keep doing what you do sister cause you are the gift that keeps on giving! Trust and believe your good works on this earth will be rewarded in this earth as it is in heaven sister!
    Peace & blessings, Sister Khalikka and we had a blast at the conference this year your speech was powerfully moving and you deserved your award you so greatly earned it ;)

  26. Babygirl Queen Nikki Sis. Khalikka is right you are a beautiful gift I just wished more negroes understood freedom ain't free but that is what we are here for to re-education & strengthen our nation! The conference was great and you looked great of course black suits you black power Queen! You deserved that award and more loved the speech Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and our dear bro. Nat Turner would be proud juts as I was.
    Stay up Stay strong!
    Bro. Dahvid X

  27. Hi sister general Nikki X my name is Venus and I met you a couple of years ago on fountain square maybe about 3 years ago and i would really like to talk to you whenever you get a free moment i can imagine you are a very busy woman these days so what i will do is go to your email address and leave you mine probably within the next day or two. I hope we can talk and i pray that God is with you and keeps you and that being the gracious person that you are you will understand sister to sister what i would like to tell you. when we met you shook my hand and told me to stay strong and beautiful i have never forgotten that cause i was going thru a hard time now i hope i can do for you want you so compassionately did for me. Also i am a woman of God and i ONLY want whats best for everyone. Stay blessed Sister Nikki and stay beautiful inside and out.

    Sister Venus

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  36. The seven principles are not to be toyed with. They are real and have a purpose. This website is for real black men and real black women to come together and express their views, news, and opinions. We will not except the fake nor the phony.

    Black Power!
