Sunday, December 22, 2013

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Official Trailer [HD 1080p]


  1. "Dawn of The Planet of the Apes" has been moved from it's original opening date of May 2014 to July 2014.

    This is the movie we have been waiting for. The White man is the subhuman culture in society that must beg & plead for whatever he thinks is his basic human rights. Sound familiar?

    We can dig on & appreciate a movie of this sentiment. There are a lot of subliminal & not so subliminal aspects to this movie. It's deep!

    Most High willing we will see you at the movies in July 2014,& of course ... We are rooting for "Caesar"!

    What say you?

  2. We recommend buying the DVD (yes BUY add it to your collection) "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" for a look at how the franchise starts. It's worth a look before the sequel "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" arrives in theaters to see just how "Caesar" became what he became & why.

    There are plenty of subliminal and not so subliminal aspects to consider in that movie also.

    "The Time will Come When The Proverbial Tables Are Turned!"

    we rooted for "Caesar" then & in July 2014 we'll be doing the same!

    What Say You?
