Thursday, November 17, 2005



There are so many more people who support plain ol' "Justice & Fairplay" in the City of Cincinnati that I have no choice but to address the things I've been hearing concerning this past Cincinnati City Mayoral & Council Elections.
Sources-- whom I have used for quite some time and are rarely wrong--Alerted me to some Westside white citizens who want to stir up trouble and cause even MORE racial dissension by now crying foul and contacting the local Board of Elections screaming for a recount of the votes in the mayoral race between State Senator now Mayor-Elect Mark Mallory & international crybaby, Manchurian Candidate and soon-to-be EX-Cincinnati City Councilman David Pepper. Black Fist sources tell me that because the [Black] communities of Bond Hill, Evanston and Avondale had there votes come in (what the white folks of the westside perceive to be) "late" and that's what pushed Mark Mallory "over-the-top" and gave him the needed votes to knock John Proctor, I mean, John Pepper's little boy David straight out the box on election night giving Mark Mallory the Mayorship.
So now here we go with the recount stuff...
The westside needs to just get over it! The Black man won. The white man lost. It's just that simply folks. But what the westside white people don't want to except under ANY circumstances is that alot of WHITE people voted for Mark Mallory and alot of white people DID NOT vote for David Pepper inspite of David Pepper's "Big Bad Black Boogeyman Black Fist Endorsement Bullshit"!!! (WOW! that was a mouthful)

Now my sources also tell me that the black man soon-to-be EX- Councilman Samuel Malone has requested a vote recount as well. I'm told that he thinks because he lost by some 1,300 or so votes that maybe he "REALLY" did come in 9th place instead of 10th. Huh? Ok, Sam. If you want to "request" a recount that's your right but I think maybe you should move on and realize the election is over. The people just didn't wantcha'. (although the final result count won't be finalized until Monday November 21, 2005) Sam may want to take into consideration that those son beating allegations may have hurt him in the election. Sam you know white folks beleive in "Time-Out" -not- "Go get that belt & wait on me"! My personal thoughts on that is simple: Sam whooped that ass cause he's that 14 year old boys daddy and that's what GOOD DADDYS do! Whoop that ass when there's an ass to be whooped! PERIOD! Did I personally vote for Mr. Malone? Hell No! And I make no bones about it ~BUT~ I did not vote for him based on his prior voting record and NOT because I heard some shit being said about how he voted on certain issues on talk radio shows!
I saw how Sam Malone voted up close and personal, I studied how he wheeled & dealed throughout commitee meetings. Those are the meetings Council persons must go through to discuss and vote an agenda item into a full Wednesday Vote of City Council, when ALL members of Council must attend.

Quite simply put "Councilmember Sam Malone DID NOT have the Black communities best interest at heart". And it showed in most of his votes. At election time, Politicians must "pay" for their votes. Sam is now in that very painful process of "paying". General Nikki X and The Black Fist wish Sam Malone well as his transitions through that most painful process. Because Sam is STILL Black and now he's got to "Come on home"!
Mr. Malone should've braced and prepared himself for "payment" a little better than he apparently has.
Just look at your soon-to-be EX-Vice-Mayor Alicia Reece, she's "paying" out tha ass!

Getting back to The Westside Community, they have a right to ask for whatever they want to ask for but in my opinion, it's a waste of time because Mark Mallory IS the new Mayor of Cincinnati come December 1, 2005 until November 2009. Then if he so chooses he could run again. So word to the white westside community: Looks like y'all could have the BLACKMAN running thangs until November 2013!
Let's all work together and try to support Mayor-Elect Mallory as "our" Mayor to move this city in a positive direction. He IS and WILL be catching enough backstabbing hell from within his own party and white racist bastards who would just love to see this city back in the year 1905 or somewhere damn near close to it.

For more indepth information on just what the hell some big white men in the democratic party (Mayor-Elect Mark Mallory's OWN party) is up too, Please click on the website below. Unite Cincinnati Chairman Nate Livingston Jr. has so graciously taken the time out of his busy schedule to inform those who need to be informed and out those who needed to be outted. "Burke Undermines Mallory, Splits Dems".
Read that and you can see the games HAVE begun.

The Westside White folks can cry foul all they want-- it won't do anything but show just how much work there is to be done to reach this ever elusive so-call racial harmony everybody claims they're reaching for.
But in the words of our dear Brotha and local spokesperson for "The New Black Panther Nation", Bro. X..."It is what it is"!



Anonymous said...

Right On Sister X! Mark Mallory is the mayor and the black fist endorsement didn't hurt him a bit. Thank you for your blog and keep up the good work. You're a brillant Sister!

Anonymous said...

Anton sez:

Mark Mallory will be a fine Mayor, and unlike that little bitch Pepper, he won't have Lawson's stinky shoes propped up on his desk the first day in office.

Anonymous said...

Miss General Nikki X, you fine ass thing! you are way too funny and way too real!!! Do you thang gal and call them phony ass political bastards OUT! For the phony ass bastards that they are!

Bro. Richard

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be delicious irony if the Black Fist's secret "source" was really Peter Bronson?

Someone said...

I've been hearing rumors of a mayoral recount since the morning after...

General Nikki X said...

Poli Sci Guy,

It would be "deliciously ironic" but it's not. Some of us [black folk] can have sources that have absoulutely nothing to do with the white man. You see we're not ALL out killing each another, raping & robbing each other and some of us [black folk] DO communicate with each other and guess what....(hush tones, light whispers....) Isn't it "deliciously ironic"...the white man DON'T ALWAYS....know what we [black folks] are talking about!
Now isn't that really "ironic"?

And here's the kicker...maybe just maybe [black folk] got together on Election night November 8, 2005. and DECIDED to put Makrk Mallory into the Mayors seat...OOooohhh, scary...Could it really happen?

Tell Lil Petey I said, "Hello".

But in any case, Thank you for reading The Black Fist Blog!

General Nikki X said...

Thank you Dean for also letting it be known "You've heard the same rumors"!

And as always, Thank You for reading The Black Fist Blog!

Anonymous said...
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General Nikki X said...

This is an "informational blog" meaning that I am here to give information.
Now there were some members of The Black Fist who (when they could) just jumped on EVERY talk radio station EVERY single chance they got and "gave up all the goods, the plans, too much info & etc.." to the whites & the blacks & everyone in between and not a word was mentioned (to my knowledge) from you.
So as I do appreciate you taking the time to "advise" me, I'd "advise" your time would have & could have been spend "advising" other ex-affliates of this organization to "not talk so much" before they actually "talked too much" and got shut down by those who may not have cared about them as much as you.

I have not said anymore than I have said in the past 5 years.
It's part of my job as a Black Militant. And fear of what the white folks may or may not think of me or whether they like me or not based on the info I give...Is quite frankly the very last thing on my mind.

Thank you for reading "The Black Fist Blog".

Anonymous said...
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