Sunday, December 25, 2005


PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a public request, an appeal, a plea for "Peace, Peace & More Peace"! Please Brothers & Sisters, we have got to stop the killings in our community. Our Elders are not the ones leaving this earth, no, it is "us". The youth/teens, our brothas & sistas in their 20's & 30's and "why"? For Nothing. That's the answer I've come up with...Black folks are dying in the streets of Cincinnati for absolutely nothing.
Our lives are a gift from The Creator. We have to treasure our gift. I can not take another day of waking up and turning on my television and hearing about another one of my beautiful black brothas and/or sistas losing their lives over some bullshit.

Parents take the time to talk to your children, Husbands talk to your wives, Wives talk to your husbands, Black men talk to your Black woman, Black woman talk to your Black man and take the time to find out what's going on in their lives. Don't wait until it's too late and you're standing over a grave asking yourself "How", "Why", "If only I'd known" and "I could've done something to stop this, had I known".

I have a message I give to myself every morning I am blessed by the Creator to rise & shine: "I've got another day and another way to get it right". Everyone on this planet gets 1 chance to "get it right". When you die...It's all over. Black man, Black woman WHEN YOU DIE "IT'S ALL OVER"!! You get no 2nd chances.

This Message Is Coming From An Organization Who Has A History Of Caring About Our Beautiful Black People, Their Lives, Their Happiness, Their Prosperity, Their Equality, Their Fair Justice.....Their Continued Existance On This Planet.

The Black Fist will Continue to Love and Speak out on behalf of The Liberation & Salvation of The Black Nation!

On behalf of "The Black Fist", I'd like to extend our deepest heartfelt condolences to the family of Miss Chanel Jordan, the young 19 year old Black woman who was shot by a stray bullet on Christmas Eve night 2005 at The Legacy Nightclub. And died on Christmas Day. She leaves behind a family who loved her, an infant daughter and I'm sure plenty of friends, hopes & dreams.




Anonymous said...

A disorderly black shot by another disorderly black.

Drunk, drugs, partying, shit hole neighborhoods, street corners, nightclubs, crack, overcompensating males suffing from low self-esteem.

Blame the cops, blame whitey, blame the government, no money, shit hole slum residences, apathetic case workers.

What the hell is wrong with you people? Get a damn job. Stop smoking weed and joking about it. Go inside at night. Sober up, you can't all be alcoholics. Move the hell out of OTR and Avondale. Move to Amelia. Stay out of hip hop venues. Look up to Condoleza Rice as a role model instead of R. Kelly.

And for God's sake stop whining about it. Stand up straight and make a positive change, by yourself, with no help from some agency or worker or anybody. Just by yourself. Say: "tomorrow, I'm not gonna drink or drug or stand on the corner."

Report crimes and cooperate with the police when they show up.

General Nikki X said...

Sounds like Price Hill and the way "you guys" look up to George W. Bush. And would you please stop rolling around in those portable METH LAB substituting for your what the average law-abiding person would see as your vehicles because I for one nor my black people want to get blown sky high at a red light sitting next to one of "you guys". While YOU GUYS are transporting ILLEGAL DRUGS OK?

Hey Thanks! Oh and by the way this blog is geared toward the BLACK nation & this particular entry is to "appeal" to the black community to STOP THE VIOLENCE of course everyone can participate but I'm getting a little tired of you white racist bastards funkying up this blog when you can just wait a few hours and call Willie Cunningham and bitch 'n' moan about how the filthy blacks are smarter than you, more talented than you and quite frankly better at just about EVERY OTHER DAMN THING on the planet than you.
I believe I've stated The Black Fist's appeal to STOP THE VIOLENCE quite eloquently so I don't need any help from any of YOU GUYS when YOUR white community is 100% totally fucked up, you just have the money to COVER IT THE FUCK UP!

Wwwhheeww!!! Had to take a breath ...Now would you like to give YOUR condolences to the young lady who was hit by a STRAY bullet I spoke about? If not you ASSHOLE then shut the fuck up and stay the hell off "The Black Fist Blog". The readers of this blog and its administrator don't give a damn about what the RACIST WHITE nation thinks so that being said....And to everyone else....

Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog!

Anonymous said...

The white racist bastards are sick & tired of being blamed for everything tragic that happens to the blacks.

The white bastards are doing something about stopping the violence. They call the white & black cops everytime they see the baggy pants thugs - black & white - hanging on the street corner, circling the block 50 times & showing up in court on their lying asses.

Just when is the black fist going to develop something, anything to help the situations with "your" people? Talking, pleading & begging isn't doing squat. The Coroner, Dr. Owens, has spelled it all out - black on black crime.

Don't accuse the people in Price Hill, Northside, Westwood or any place else of running rolling meth labs. Those who run those are rednecked "Deliverance" people from out in the sticks. You can spot them a mile away when they roll into a neighborhood. If you can't, you're in a speck of trouble.

When it's white on white crime, we call it thinning the herd. When a black bumps a white, we call it, see you in Court, boy, & run his ass out of the community.

Anonymous said...


Yesterday a Black Life Lost, still Life goes on, Today another Black Life Lost, still Life goes on. Tomorrow you will see our Black people, Adults and Youths, of all ages moving through-out this City, in an Unbeknownst Sad, Deep Sleep.

I've heard many reason's that Black Adult's are Sharing, in an attempt to stop the Killing's and the Violence.

With-out a Drastic attempt at Change, and With-out a Drastic Investment of Our Time, We as Black People (as a group) are destine for Annihilation in this nation, Mentally and Physically.

To the Black Adult's, Men and Women, I Speak to you in Truth.

we are hypocrites, we are liars, we are back stabbers, we are fornicaters, adulterers, we are supporters of a rogue society, we are caught up in so-called holiday's, we part take in drugs, alchol, cigarettes, we are sexually out of controll, we are rapist, we are incestuous, our men are whores, our women are whores, we are physically out of shape , our choice for places of worship are full of hypocrite's and homosexuals, our black media outlet's that should be used for positiveness, is full of hypocrites, favoritism and instigaters, corrupt black police, currupt black politicians, our egos are out of controll, an we have allowed ourselves to be pimped by the dollar, we are two-faced and in denial when it comes to the adult's. Still We Question, What's Wrong With Our Youth.

Just a small insight of the Mass Black Suicide, that we co-sign... Black Adult's, look at Ourselves, We Are A Mess an our Fruit is doing the Killing.

Black People when we fully Overstand Our History, (not just gloss over it), but Dwell On It, an study it from it's Root, you will Overstand that the Euro-Amerikkkans are doing exactly what they are suppose to do, an we as Black People Are Not.

Obtaining and Overstanding this Knowledge will cause a Drastic Resurection in our People, something This Nation has Never Seen Before.
To learn this Knowledge Takes Time, Time that must be Sacraficed for the Enhancement of Black People in this nation.

(What are you willing to sacrafice to help bring about this

One starting point, is to study the Arab Moslem, (also called Asians) Invasion of North Africa (what we now call Egypt) an how they raped and robbed the people an the land. Study how they brought their Language an Religion to Africa. Study what happened to the Africans as they fled the Arab slave catcher's. Study the Highly Intellegent Moors, an what happened to them. Study what happened in Africa before the Invasion of the Europeans. Study how the Europeans Invaded Africa and brought their Language an Religion. Study how the Vatican used their Black Slaves. Study why Sharks followed the slave ships across the Atlantic Ocean, during the Middle Passage, Start here, this will lead you into other areas of interest.

Study this Important History, then you will Overstand why we do the Negative Things we do. This Knowledge helps to Controll Anger an High Blood Presure, in knowing your History you become aware, an most likly will not repeat the negative.

In Learning this Knowledge do not become Obnoxious or Arrogant, and remain Humble.

It all begans at the Root, Nourish the Root with Knowledge, an the Fruit will be Just Fine.

Condolences to the Jordan Family.

Thanks to the BLACK FIST BLOG.


Anonymous said...

Hey, General. Here's how Karenga treated his "bitches."

In 1970, "Karenga" and two of his followers were arrested and charged with conspiracy and assault in the torture of Deborah Jones and Gail Davis, two of his female followers. Believing that the women had tried to poison him, "Karenga" forced the women to disrobe at gunpoint and had them beaten. "Vietnamese torture is nothing compared to what I know," he informed his victims, whereupon he forced a hot soldering iron into the mouth of one while the other had a toe squeezed in a vice. Both women were also forced to consume detergent and a caustic liquid as part of their "discipline."

Anonymous said...

I think brother O'dell Owens just repeated what I sent you (and you didn't post) yesterday:

Dr. Owens, however, makes a fairly convincing case for his view.

"Now, how do you decide if a city is safe with all these homicides? You have to decide. Are the killings random? Miami is not a safe city for me. LA, you make a wrong turn in LA, go down into the wrong neighborhood, you're gonna be a statistic. We've seen in MIami where tourists have been robbed and killed. Cincinnati, I can count on one hand individuals who are killed who were not part of this group, either innocent bystanders, store clerk, one hand."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, its happened again, another baggy-pants black thug started a gun battle in broad daylight in a peaceful residential Evanston and three people were shot.

"Three Shot In Daylight Gun Battle"

There has been a complete breakdown of values, family and indeed civilization in the black community. You people are thinning your own ranks at a record pace, meanwhile all of the rhyming reverends and other black talking heads are too busy fighting amongst themselves and blaming 'the man' for all of their troubles. It is time for you people to clean your own house and take responsibility for your own problems. It is also time for the police to hit the streets and start kicking ass and restore law & order to this city.

And to Kemual; stop whining about the plight of the black man and get a job.
-Reginald Van Gleason IV

Anonymous said...

Kemuel, what are you going to do about Kevan Turner & his shoot 'em up in Evanston? Or is that stupid white people's fault?

It's nice to see you stepping up to help out the family who was Turner's target. Nice to see you helping Chanel Jordan's folks, too.

Next time everyone sees you, we'll be happy to give you info on white folks' history, because it seems you're out of touch in the same way you accuse us.

We white folks just call it as we see it. Real plain & right to the point. The truth.

Anonymous said...

Chanel Jordans death is a tragedy to be sure. However, why is no one asking questions about why this 19 year old mother was out partying on Christmas instead of spending the Holiday with her child and her family?

Young blacks are too obsessed with hanging out, drinking, drugging and partying. And we can all see what happens when a large group of young blacks get together; they form a mob of thugs and start shooting each other.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Thank you for your nearly literate letter. With your writing skills you must be the best shift leader that the Popeye's ever had.

I wouldn't know anything about ho's on the street corner, but as you seem to know far too much about the subject I will have to take your word for it.

Please address the gist of my comments, that the black community must take control of its collective out of control punk thug offspring. And it's time to stop blaming whitey for all of the troubles in your community and place the blame squarely where it belongs; at your own doorstep.

Very truly yours,
Reginald Van Gleason IV

Anonymous said...

Hey Kemual,

Since you have that big time 'management' job why don't you take a few of the lowlife picaninny yoofs that are killing their fellow blacks in this city to work with you and give them a few jobs? This would be the first socially responsible act you could perform to help bring piece to the city.

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous that wrote on Dec 29, at 1:58am and to Reginald Van Gleason That wrote Dec 28,at 3:04pm. You both must be racist KKK members or some sort of freaks.

I say this because you do not have anything good to say about black people. If for any reason you claim you have black friends please! please! please! let them know how you really feel: Black people are more honest and vocal.

I am serious and is not playing, that is a true statement. I help my people all the time and white people too. I can bet you that I give white panhandlers more money than both of you all put together.

You all have to realize, " If you can't see your wrong and change your ways than you will never be true to yourself or any black person.

I am true on my job and off. Anyone who knows me know that I've been striaght forward all my life.


Anonymous said...

Kemuel has a lot of nerve talking about our gay white family & blaming Whitey for everything that's wrong in black society. Betcha he didn't know Rodney daddy (Rodney Beamon Jr's old man) is in the state joint for not registering his address.

The SOB is a black sex offender.

Little Rodney's on his way to the joint, too.

However, you get these pompous 'holes that do all the pointing at Whitey. Yeah, what goes around, comes around.

General Nikki X said...

To Sista Black Girl:

What you said is so true. I can attest to the fact that today my enemy is not[solely] white, unfortunately my enemy happens to look like me.
Shameful but true.
I'm always happy to acknowledge new readers of this blog and if you liked the 2 entries you commented on, try reading "Unity~Does It Truly Exist For The Black Community" for my views regarding the treachery & disunity amongst "us".

Thank you for reading The Black Fist Blog!

General Nikki X said...


General Nikki X is always looking for strong, dedicated, enlightened, socially [BLACK] conscience Brothas & Sistas who want to fight for the salvation & liberation of The Black Nation. And be real about it.

Black Fist, Black Power, Black Nation....I'll holla soon.

Thank you for reading The Black Fist Blog

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


General Nikki X said...

This restraining order