Saturday, March 11, 2006


Be very careful for you may have to dig a ditch for two. It seems there are some folks in this community who think they can do whatever they want to do and say whatever pops into their empty brains. But there are laws on the books that state clearly...YOU CAN NOT!

Here's one for example:

2917.21 Telecommunications harassment. 1974. Amended 1999.

(B) No person shall make or cause to be made a telecommunication, or permit a telecommunication to be made from a telecommunications device under the person's control, with purpose to abuse, threaten, or harass another person.

That is according to the Ohio Revised Code.

So the next time the black communities "biggest losers" decided to slander, defame or "permit a telecommunication to be made from a telecommunications device under the person's control, with the purpose to abuse, threaten, or harass another person...."

Maybe these 2 "Big Losers" should take the free advice giving by our beloved sister back in 1980, Ms. Aretha Franklin and.....THINK!

This is a public service announcement from "The Black Fist," Brigadier General Nikki X, Head of "Telecommunications" and everyone who has ever been slandered by a lonely, worthless, pathetic, empty, wicked black devil Troll and her over-the-hill washed-up black devil sidekick.

All speech is not protected under the United States Constitution. Don't be angry with The Black Fist for simply pointing it out, we didn't write the Constitution. Take any grievences you may have to your local representatives in Government.

Thank You!