A MESSAGE TO THE BLACK WOMAN A MESSAGE TO ALL WHO HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED [This entry is a re-post from December 22, 2005., previous comments from that time have been suspended. There will be no opportunity for new comments. As in the past now is the time to seriously think about what you will read within this thread. This is a time to think and consider NOT a time to play games and post foolness to the comment section. If someone out there has legitimate thoughts they wish to share -or- has been a victim of stalking (in any form) you can reach me directly by email through this website. The email address is askgeneralnikkix@yahoo.com. Some of the language in this thread could be considered harsh, in any event, the seriousness of this subject "STALKING" is a real "CRIME", and that point must be made by any means necessary. Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog.] This is an "official report" from "The Black Fist", From the desk of Nikki X. The subject of this entry is one to give protection, security, valuable information, guidance and help to my black sistas, The Queens of Civilization. This message is geared toward "The Black Woman" and HER safety. We are living in a world of lunatics, psychopaths, people who are seriously disturbed and people who "just can't let go". The latter brings me into our subject matter. Sit back, take a deep breath, relax and read some information that could save your life and protect you & yours along with arming yourself with what you will need if and when the day comes where you may have to "defend" yourself. Please read all about the terrible, scary, life-altering "CRIME" that has become known as: "STALKING" Listen to this Black Woman~ According to a survey done by The National Violence Against Women and jointly sponsored by The National Institute of Justice and The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, found that stalking was far more widespread than previously believed. According to the survey:
(The results of this survey were done in 1998 and can be found at: www.crime.about.crime/od/stalking/a/stalking_facts.htm) "STALKING CAN ESCALATE INTO VIOLENCE" Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behavior by an individual, such as following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person's property, according to the U.S Department of Justice Office of Crime (OVC). Any unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly comminicates a threat or place the victim in fear can be considered stalking, but the actual legal definition of stalking varies from states to states according to each states' laws. According to the OVC's brochure "Stalking Victimization" anyone can be a stalker, just as anyone can be a stalking victim. The brochure points out:
Unfortunately, there is no single psychological or behavioral profile for stalkers. Every stalker is different. This makes it virtually impossible to devise a single effective strategy that can be applied to every situation. It is vital that stalking victims immediately seek the advice of local victim specialists who can work with them to devise a safety plan for their unique situation and circumstances. Some stalkers develop an obssession for another person with whom they have no personal relationship. When the victim does not respond as the stalker hopes, the stalker may attempt to force the victim to comply by use of threats and intimidation. When threats and imtimidation fail, some stalkers turn to violence. "STALKING CAN BECOME VIOLENT" The most prevalent type of stalking case involve some previous personal or romantic relationship between the stalker and the victim. This includes domestic violence cases and relationships in which there is no history of violence. In these cases, stalkers try to control every aspect of their victims' lives. The victim becomes the stalkers's source of self-esteem, and the loss of the relationship becomes the stalker's greatest fear. This dynamic makes a stalker dangerous. Stalking cases that emerge from domestic violence situations, however, are the most lethal type of stalking. The stalker may attempt to renew the relationship by sending flowers, gifts, and love letters. When the victim spurns these unwelcome advances, the stalker often turns to intimidation. Attempts at intimidation typically begin in the form of an unjustified and inappropriate intrusion into the victims life. The intrusions become more frequent over time. This harassing behavior often escalates to direct or indirect threats. Unfortunately, cases that reach this level of seriousness often end in violence. This Black Fist report statistically ends here. A FEW WORDS FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR: "ANY BLACK WOMAN CAN BE STALKED" Black woman, You can be stalked by any black man at any time. And in some rare bizarre cases a black woman can be stalked by "another Black woman". It's a sad commentary but true. There are some mentally disturbed Black women in this world who will stalk and terrorize another Black woman for various reasons like in the commission of identity theft, jealousy, envy & low self-esteem. These mentally off-balanced black women will try and assume bits & pieces of your life to re-create or in most cases "BUILD" a life for themselves. They simply have no life of their own so they try to interject themselves into your life -OR- Be that as it may these mentally sick stalkers try to take take your life! What I mean by "take", is assume your personal and/or professional life. Whatever that may be. Some Black women who stalk other Black women (if mentally deranged enough) will literally try to take your life, as in "KILL YOU"! Be careful Black woman because this is 2005 going into 2006 . And in this day & time we as, black women have to deal with not only the black man who can't "let go" of whatever we had [romantically] with them but the Black woman who can't "let go" of their personal obssessions of you and what you have, as well. There are all types of stalking out here, here's just a few:
ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE "CRIMES" IN A COURT OF THE LAW WITHIN THESE UNITED STATES. SO BLACK WOMAN DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CALL THE AUTHORITIES YOU PAY TAXES TO EVERYDAY, YOUR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT, IF YOU FEEL AS IF YOU, BLACK WOMAN ARE BEING STALKED. WHETHER IT BE STALKED BY A "MAN" -OR- "WOMAN"....IT IS A DAMN CRIME! AND SHOULD BE DEALT WITH AS SUCH. REMEMBER, BLACK WOMAN, THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE (MALE & FEMALE) YOU JUST CAN NOT BE "NICE" TOO IN REGARDS TO A DERANGED STALKER WHO DOESN'T WANT TO "LET GO" OF YOUR PREVIOUS PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP (MALE) -OR- A DERANGED STALKER (FEMALE) WHO WANTS NOTHING MORE THAN TO MAKE YOUR LIFE JUST AS MISERABLE AS THEIRS SO THEY'D RATHER TAKE YOURS (LITERALLY) OR ASSUME EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR EXISTANCE. THESE SICK STALKING MEN AND WOMEN, BLACK WOMAN NEED SERIOUS HELP. BECAUSE IF THEY DON'T GET SOME HELP, THEY WILL EVENTUALLY END UP, IN THEIR CONTINUAL PURSUIT OF DESTROYING YOUR LIFE, END UP THEMSELVES BEHIND BARS, ATTEMPTING AND/OR SUCCEEDING IN KILLING YOU OR YOU, BLACK WOMAN IN [SELF-DEFENSE] WILL HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE OTHER THAN TO TAKE THEIR LIFE. This public service announcement is straight from the "Desk of Nikki X". With "love & unity" for my fellow "Black woman". General Nikki X cares about the life, liberty & pursuit of happiness for all her Black Sistas around the globe. "The General" Nikki X's main concern for the Black woman is for her safety, her well-being, her piece of mind and her education on the practices of "Self-Defense" to stay "Happy", "Healthy" and "Whole". And to live life to the fullest and be left the fuck alone by deranged, mentally off-balance, men & "women" who will not or sadly enough refuse to just.... "LET IT GO"..... BLACK FIST, BLACK POWER, BLACK NATION !!! (The Black Fist Organization DOES NOT in any way, shape, form or fashion advocate violence. However we DO believe in and practice- fluently- the highly trained art of "SELF-DEFENSE" and the Women of "The Black Fist", particularly don't mind reminding a muthafuckas or 2 of those skills for which a "stalker", regular so-called everyday white racist bastard, Klu Klux Klan member, officer of the law i.e. police officer (who chooses to engage in unlawful police brutality) and or some self-hating black person who has steeped so far into the european culture, delved into the realm of mental insanity caused: By day "pretending" to identify with "black culture" poly-parroting shit they've heard some so-called black activist repeat before the activist lost their fucking mind and/or who self-hatred has caused them to completely loose their natural God-giving abilities to know when to leave a person the hell alone. Whereas, resorting to the art of "SELF-DEFENSE" is the only means to deal with the muthafucka or muthafuckas who are so stupid they continue to fuck with individuals who have made it plain they demand to be left alone). This is a public disclaimer. There's an old saying that goes "I can show you better than I tell you"! Take it for what it is. Live your lives to the fullest. Love your brothers and sisters and remember... STALKING IS A CRIME, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENDURE AND SUFFER IN SILENCE. |