UPDATE: Our dear beloved brother, Mr. Nate Livingston Jr., will be doing some live blogging from the NAACP meeting tonight. I believe our brother is a member in good standing so this should be very interesting. To read his live blogging reports go www.blackcincinnati.blogspot.com END OF UPDATE
There is a scheduled meeting of the NAACP at the Thomas A. Moore building tonight on Montgomery Rd. in Evanston at 7pm.
We're told A. Victor Brown will be in attendance along with NAACP president Edith Thrower. There is still alot of controversy surrounding who won the Cincinnati branch of the NAACP presidential elections a few weeks ago. The decision/votes between current president Edith Thrower and former Cincinnati City Councilman Christopher Smitherman is still up in the air and will most likely decided in court.
It is encouraged that all members in good standing with the NAACP attend the meeting tonight.
After the meeting, we'd like to hear from those who attended and get your comments, concerns, opinions and thoughts about what's going on within the NAACP.
And the big question, "Who would you like to see as president of your local chapter of the NAACP?" Current president Edith Thrower or Christopher Smitherman?
Edith Thrower has said in the media, "I am still the president of the NAACP." Christopher Smitherman has already, we are told, crowned himself, King of the NAACP.
What do you think? We await your comments.
Didn't I ban you?
Yes, I did.
well heres what i think sis.another naacp nigga night at the movies.lets go with the R rateing.i never thought ill see the flick,were two nigga's who aint shit,would be fighting over the jew dick.yea nigga,s yall know the jew boy started that naacp shit.now in 06 you have smitherman begging to take the longest licks.i dont know how this shit going to end,but i bet you that muthafuckin fag smitherman win....
To the anonymous person that wrote in about Mr. Smitherman: I know you want Smitherman to lose but he is to smart to do that. He is a strong man and know what to do.
He also will fight for the important things that need to be address in the black community... no other person have done that in politics in this city like he has.
Niki, if I were you I would delete that comment from the racist that doesn't know how to write also. Their ignorance isn't worthy of your blog.
The meeting was good. I would've liked to have seen the Brigadier General there because the membership made it very clear once again that Smitherman is the President-elect. Tyrone Yates and the Spencers were in attendance and though I'm a brand new memeber, it was quite obvious what the overwhelming majority of the membership wants.
We want action and change. I know you can get down with that my dear!There is much work that needs to be done and Smitherman has been chosen to lead what is a membership driven organization.
Power to the People!
Smitherman is the man. That so called black republican can go and be a stepnfetchin for some other weathly white.
Pastor Victor Brown should be stooping as low as he can being part of a low life plot to tarnish the voting of Mr. Smitherman. This was set up by the city :White business leaders. without black business, downtown has no long term support because we shop downtown at later times and longer than whites.
We should not support shopping downtown because we are not considered in any business deals in this city. White people only consider us when we do what they want us to do.
You are absolutely correct.
Thank You For Reading The Black Fist Blog!
Although not on point....
I recently had a conversation with someone in the NAACP....
What do you think of NAACP's name...?
Have you ever given thought to the name of that organization....
what is up with the terminology...
can we consider the words...up-date...
'colored people'?????
that term just sounds sooooooooo disparaging...
why not consider ethnocintricity or use a term that realted to invidividuals
that have been traditionally oppressed, mistreated, abused, the victims of racial bias, ancestors of slaves, ..whatever you want to call it..
colored people just isn't cutting it as a term that many people generally
identify themselves as...
the term seems archaic at best...
and deragatory of a certainty...
What are your thoughts on this?
Ron Carter
-response to query-from an NAACP MEMBER
Hey Ron. Yeah, we know the terminology is outdated.
But we are still a people of color.
There are other people of color within the organization as well.
The name comes with the history and the time in which the organization was formed.
To change it now would destroy that presence of old.
The needs of the community are much the same today as they were then.
The NAACP cannot afford to change its name. There is too much work that
still needs to be done
In reply to response...from Ron Carter
I feel the strength of your words...but I would humbly submit...
that with a new millennia a new Dawn of ideology can and should be advanced...
I submit that with the tactics of the past...Time and Cultural Assimilation seem to have been weapons of choice...
which quite literally boil down to waiting for the Old Guard of Puesdo-Intergrats, Racial-Separatists, Fear-Mongers, Ultra-Bigots and those financially motivated to keep people in fear of each other....To await their demise at the hands of time or some mishap-(which almost never happens...bigots tend to be long-lived, spreading their joy like cancer!)
I would suggest that this tactic...born of the 20th Century, should stay in the 20th Century...as it's success is still not evident...as you state...
there is still sooooooo much left to do!
New tactics...a new methodology... one not just rooted in the past...but reflecting a more promising future....less dogmatic
rather...more poised towards taking the initiative in forming the future of new interaction and new dialog
literally sculpting a future that has not existed in these United States prior to this day and this time...
Thus requiring a new, more inclusive vision...
A Vision that is less dependent on an interaction of reaction( something bad happens and there is outrage, but no real change in mindset or ideology) within the present to how things have been seen in the past...
Thus I see....a new way...to move from the past..into the future...provocative - YES!....affirmative in effect - DEFINITELY!...
Mindful of the past - WITHOUT A DOUBT!
Humbly I submit...
National Association for the Advancement Of Humanity
Emphasis on 'HUMANE'-ity (For those that have not been previously and are not now currently being treated as such, - Humanely)
I submit that the NAACP can't afford not to consider change...staying the course soley because it is A COURSE OF TRADITION...is not a reason to continue without serious mission and goal assessment and consideration. If the Goal is to be successful in your mission...then re-evalution and re-assessment is a necessity...to insure success. As you stated, "There is too much work that still needs to be done."
Think about it...
vis-a vis...
Recent dogmatic endeavors and traditionalistic thinking that have not been successful...as I see it...from the 60's to now.
-The Vietnam war policy of our government.
-The Dis-success of lower and middle education in These United States as relates to those not historically treated humanely.
-The Social Federalization of the Demise of the Structured Family Unit through social legislation, monetary disenfranchisement and enforced abandonment.
-The privatization of quality of life as relates to municipalities and states.
-and currently...-
-The War on (OF) Terror-('itory'...,as relates to monetary gain and a pattern of corporate greed...as relates to gentrification and the erosion of personal liberties and Fear-Mongering to foster a political viewpoint and direction.)
-A lack of Governmental realization that the globe is dying in our hands...and no systematic mandate or federal directive to enhance the balance of this planet as we push it closer to the brink of imbalance.
What do you think?
I am curious as to a response...
send my queries up and through the NAACP Hierarchy
I would wonder how they would respond as well...
be at peace...
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