Greetings you poor pathetic ignorant fool alias "jts gamlinr",
I know you probably toss and turn all night every night thinking about the inevitable. And just what is the inevitable you might ask? Awww come on you know, Sen. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and his beautiful BLACK family living in the white house as Mr. President & The First Lady, you know the FIRST family.
Keep your goofy pornographic desires for Cindy Lou McCain off this website although I posted your dumb comment to show the world that the alias "jts gamlinr" is a jackass who longs for the "stepford wife" dope fiend and who is jealous of his hero war-mongering, John McBUSH!
and p.s. sonny, F**k Me? lol! sounds like you need to go f**k yourself to relieve some of that wanting & lust you have for the dope stealing junkie Cindy Lou McCain.
THANK YOU FOR READING THE BLACK FIST BLOG! (Wow do I love spanking idiots!)
McCain's wife look like a "stepford wife." she's very rich and what does she want with that old fart?
She should come with me and be with a Real man.
(fuck you and, your war, and all your bullshit McCain!)
Thanks Again!
Greetings you poor pathetic ignorant fool alias "jts gamlinr",
I know you probably toss and turn all night every night thinking about the inevitable. And just what is the inevitable you might ask?
Awww come on you know, Sen. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and his beautiful BLACK family living in the white house as Mr. President & The First Lady, you know the FIRST family.
Keep your goofy pornographic desires for Cindy Lou McCain off this website although I posted your dumb comment to show the world that the alias "jts gamlinr" is a jackass who longs for the "stepford wife" dope fiend and who is jealous of his hero war-mongering, John McBUSH!
and p.s. sonny, F**k Me? lol! sounds like you need to go f**k yourself to relieve some of that wanting & lust you have for the dope stealing junkie Cindy Lou McCain.
(Wow do I love spanking idiots!)
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