A Few Words From General Nikki X: From Facebook to Twitter to Craigslist to Online Dating Websites, this social networking shit is getting waaay waaay outta control! This so-called online "social networking" has caused more problems than it's worth. Online social networking has broken up many a black homes due to lies, deceit, infidelity, and abuse. So-called online "social networking"has also lead to cruelty, online stalking, brutality, victimization, and murder according to various reputable news organizations, and the talk of the hood.
The following story and video below describes just how this madness of online "social networking" has driven black folks to insane acts of brutality and sheer madness!!! We do recognize that the white community (already nuts) has been driven extra insane, foolish, and brutal due to this thing called online so-called "social networking", however we here at The Black Fist Blog deal with OUR OWN community 99.99% of the time, so that is what we are doing today, focusing on how online so-called "social networking" negatively affects OUR black community.
We love and care about our own black brothers and sisters and we want harmonious interactions with each other as best as possible living over here in the Hells of North AmeriKKKa. We do not want our people acting savagely and insanely brutal against one another. We should save all of that for the REAL ENEMY AMONGST US! And even though black folks at times like to play the nut role and act stupid, dumb, ignorant ... in all actuality we are NOT!!!
Getting back to this thing called online "social networking", we as black people need to stop putting all of our business in the street so to speak and realize that there is enough social ills in this worlds and too many real life relationship problems to deal with in the flesh, and in real time than to spend our time/the majority of our time (for a lot of us) sitting online and obsessively getting on Facebook and shit like that for purposes that are absolutely no good, and that will cause hurt, harm and/or danger to our brothers and sisters, loved ones, significant others ... and hell, perfect strangers!
Worth Noting: Not all so-called online "social networking" is bad, some of it (I suppose) serves its purpose. However, I stand by my words ... The Shit Is Getting Outta Control!
Check out the bullshit below and let us know what you think about online so-called "social networking". And keep it real family because the option to remain "anonymous" is always open for your use on this website. We wanna know your thoughts and opinions NOT your name. Unless YOU feel comfortable giving it.
(Tamara & Michael Rhoades)
A husband and wife, plus a family friend and a teenager, allegedly assaulted a woman they met online and set her on fire.
In a video posted on the victim’s Facebook page, the 20-year-old can be seen with burns to her face and arms. In that video, the victim says she ‘deserved the abuse’ allegedly suffered at the hands of Michael and Tamara Rhoades, Steven Mills and a 14-year-old.
“This letter is to let everyone know that I hurt myself and that nobody did anything to me. Everything that’s happened has been because of me. I brought this on myself,” the victim said in the video.
However, police say, that confession was a coerced. In the background a man’s voice can be heard telling the victim what she should say next. “Now tell ‘em about what you did, why we asked you to leave,” the male voice says in the video.
Authorities say the 20-year-old victim met Michael and Tamara Rhoades online two years ago. Officials say they lured the victim from her home in Pittsburgh to live in their North Philadelphia row home.
Police say the three had a consensual sexual relationship but, several weeks ago, things began to go south. Police say the suspects held the victim captive against her will, torturing her, pouring flammable liquids on her and then lighting her on fire.The victim was able to put out the flames, but was badly burned. Her alleged captors put her on a bus back to Pittsburgh, but not before getting the taped confession they concocted.
“I started causing problems with the family and I threatened the kids and Tamara’s family,” the victim said in the video.
While serving a search warrant at the home, police say they found yet another victim, a 21-year-old, who also appeared to be bruised and battered and had also come to stay with the Rhoades after meeting them in an internet chat room.
Michael Rhoades, Tamara Rhoades, and Steve Mills are charged with attempted murder, arson, danger of death of bodily injury, and other related charges.
The juvenile is facing similar charges. A preliminary hearing has been set for May 9th.
(Tamara & Michael Rhaodes with Steven Mills)
(Story and video courtesy of blackscoop, 6 news, and worldstar)
WTF!?! See thats the shit i just got done dealing with i busted my nigga lieing to some ho on myspace talking bout he aint got no woman but tha nigga laying his dusty ass up in my apartment eating my food and washing his black ass with my soap!!! Now this dumb ass chickenhead done got her ass burnt up listening to 2 more chickenheads on facebook! If i had my way i'd shut all that bullshit down cause you right sis. nikki it fucks up nigga's home lives and gone end up getting my nigga killed!
That shit was crazy fuck around and find homie floating i agree this internet is getting buck wild that broad made a couple of wrong moves them other 2 nigga that lured her out was sick in da dome but all 3 of 'em stroking each other offa facebook what da hell ???? Damn hope old girl ain't to burned up. wake up fam that online chatroom shit'll getcha fucked oup out here! peace to you babygirl
Bro. K.L.
They look crazy fo' sho' what the hell she move from her spot to they spot for just to get wet? Baby you right this online meeting people shit is getting niggas all jammed up and causing blacks to wild out! Sis. Trina's comment was the truth!
Bro. Trey X
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