For whatever it's worth, today is the so-called big vote of whether or not Cincinnati city council will confirm or reject the mayor's choice for a new Cincinnati city manager.
There's been alot of hoopla of this man, Milton Dohoney Jr. over the last few weeks and today will will see whether or not the likes of council persons Leslie Ghiz, Jeff Berding, Chris Bortz, vice-mayor Jim Tarbell and Y. LaKeta Cole vote in favor of the mayor's choice or participate in undermining his strong-mayors authority.
Either way it doesn't matter to us here because we know racism and flat-out discrimination happens everyday within the various departments of the city of cincinnati government. It most certainly happens everyday on the streets of Cincinnati. And from the reports The Black Fist have received from our brothers and sisters in the the struggle (activism) in Lexington and Covington, Kentucky, this black man Milton Dohoney Jr. is no-good for blacks anyway. The blacks in Lexington and Covington found that out the hard way when black men were being killed by those two police organizations unjustifiably. We are told, Dohoney did nothing but side with the police, block for the city and fought against justice, fairness and prison for police who kill black men unjustifiably. (Which by the way, the latter happens to be the battle cry/motto of this organizaton)
It's typical Cincinnati where there can be so much whining and crying from white council members about this black man Dohoney being nominated by the black man Mark Mallory for a city managers position but absolute silence about this same black mayor appointed a white man, Tim Riordan, to what is now known as The Banks Working Group.
When it's M-O-N-E-Y we hear absolutely nothing from the Tarbells, the Bortzs, the Berdings, the Ghizs or the Coles. It's 100% A Ok with them that 5 white males sit on a panel that will control a $700 million project and the population of this city is 50% black. We hear not a peep.
So in the big scheme of things this is nothing more than a big scheme. Make big noise about the black man, Dohoney for city manager `ala the mayor, the black man Mark Mallory. Make NO noise about the final selection of the white man, Riordan to a multi-million dollar ecomonic development plan `ala the mayor, the black man, Mark Mallory. Do you see anything wrong with this picture folks?
We're told that on his weekly radio show former council person, Christopher Smitherman, proclaimed he "will meet Mayor Mark Mallory at the gate" when it pertains to the issues of fairness and justice particularly the issues of economic fairness.
Interesting. Maybe the black community, it is reported, Christopher Smitherman made this big booming "proclamation" to on the radio will finally get the opportunity to see and hear Mr. Smitherman live and in person speak those same firey words to the body of Cincinnati city council and the mayor himself. It is reported he replays city council audiotapes on his radio show every week then gives "expert commentary" on what council did or did not do in the best interest of black folks. We're told he replays one speaker from the speakers forum NOT televised on citicable for the public to see and that speaker of course is his hero, the late Kabaka Oba. Maybe this week it would better service the community if he replayed his own voice speaking out as The Black Fist & Oba did on behalf of the black community. Mr. Smitherman is a private citizen now. He's one of us.
I'm sure of all you await this highly anticipated moment with baited breath.
Cincinnati City Council's speakers forum begins at 1:30 pm sharp and last from 1:30-2pm. All speakers cards must be filled out and turned in by 1:20 pm if you wish to speak. Full session of Council begins at 2:00 pm sharp.
Cincinnati City Hall is 801 Plum St. - City Council Chambers is on the 3rd Floor.
The two "down-low" brothers pictured are both experienced and capable of doing a very good job. They shouldn't be chastised just because of their sexual preference.
This isn't about the city manager. Have you looked at nut case's blog site? She has repeated the same picture of Oba about 5 or 6 times. I think she has really fell of the deep end.
To anonymous #2: That's what I've been telling folks all along.
Thanks for seeing the obvious for yourself and bringing it to my attention.
She should be falling off the deep end. SHE IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBA'S DEATH!!! HE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF HER!!!
Read the April archive section of this blog for further details then travel back further from August 2005 to get an even clearer understanding.
That bitch is a danger to society!
Thank you for your comments and Thank you for reading The Black Fist Blog!
By The Way: That "nutcase" is in NO WAY a member of The Black Fist. NEVER HAS. She can call herself whatever she likes. Her name changes every other day anyway so whatever...right?
While you're on the topic of losers, including Chris Henry, that Frostee thug & others, here's yet another one you might want to go all the way out in the desert & give him a big ole Black Fist Sistah hug:
Police Say DMX Had Concealed Gun
Thursday, June 22, 2006 3:32 PM EDT
The Associated Press
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Police in Scottsdale cited rapper DMX, saying he was carrying a concealed handgun outside a nightclub.
Officers said they watched as the rapper, whose real name is Earl Simmons, took a gun from a holster and put it under the front seat of his 1964 Chevrolet convertible outside a club called Buzz on Friday night.
They issued Simmons a misdemeanor citation for not having a permit to conceal the weapon, Scottsdale Police Detective Sam Bailey said.
The 35-year-old rapper has had a series of run-ins with the law.
Earlier this month, DMX was cited for traffic violations by officers in White Plains, N.Y. Last month, he was arrested in London after allegedly refusing to put on a seat belt and becoming abusive on a flight from New York.
He served 70 days in jail last year for violating his parole following a 2004 incident in which he posed as an undercover federal agent and crashed his sport utility vehicle through a security gate at Kennedy International Airport.
A week after he pleaded guilty in that incident, new York state police accused him of driving over 100 mph on Interstate 684.
He was behind the 1999 hit single "Party Up (Up in Here)." His last album was "Grand Champ" in 2003, but he is working on another album, to be released this summer.
To anonymous #3: Actually YOU should READ the entry BEFORE you give such stupid commentary. This is NOT the CHRIS HENRY entry this is the DOHONEY entry. So from your very first sentence you sound like an idiot.
Leaving the rest of your statements totally irrevelant.
Try again next time clown.
Thank You For(attempting)to Read The Black Fist Blog!
Oh please let me comment on nutcase Joy.....At first I laughed about all this stuff between you, Nate, and the two lunatics, but now I'm seriously almost afraid what she will do now. She has lost all sense of reality and it sounds like she is going to do something, you know what I mean? People just don't go and say things like she says and not follow through with it somehow, even if she gets some dumbass to do it for her, trying to keep her hands clean. You are completely correct to watch your back, I may not agree with what you say, but seeing this shit unfold daily on these blogs tells me she is truly up to hurting somebody....
To the anonymous fool who didn't get published:
No, actually you NOT getting published makes YOU the clown. CLOWN!
This is The BLACK FIST Blog, so that means I determine what goes where and when it goes there, Ok?
Get over yourself, stop hating, get a life, go do what YOU do and do it to the best of YOUR ability!
YOU apparently have issues with ME, I don't even know who YOU are.
And in my opinion, that's a helluva good thing!
If you can not contribute anything positive to the discussions here on this site -or- for that matter stay on topic without trying your damnnest to "put me in check", for you fail miserably....
Then stay the fuck off this site and find yourself a site more "suitable" to your level of ignorance!
Hopefully for the last time, Thank You -CLOWN- for Reading The Black Fist Blog!
One more thing to whom it may concern: The Black Fist Blog is NOT a democracy it is a (for a lack of better word)DICTATORSHIP!
General Nikki X being the DICTATOR!
I open this blog up to comments because I want interaction & feedback on the various subjects we post here.
But please don't get it twisted, NOBODY tells General Nikki X how to run this shit. NOBODY! Please read blog entry: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. For further info.
Now that that's all cleared up hopefully for the last time...
If that were me, Then Howard would be dead. I would not let a low life piece of shit do anything to me. The talking you do Nikki X, That means nonthing. You must have hated General Kabaka because you havebeen writing bad things about him since he broke up with you.... Can you see it!!!
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